For the complete, detailed list and more information, please visit the iowa repeater council web site. Click on the buttons at the top of the page to see pictures of the highest repeater in south florida, the 147. Amateur radios most comprehensive, worldwide, free repeater directory. Greetings from the amateur radio operators hams in morgan hill. Arizona amateur radio repeater database for ham repeaters in the us, canada, and mexico. The old pl tone will no longer work and radios without any pl tone on the input frequency will no longer work.
For a list of wasatch front simplex frequency assignments. Click any map pin to get details of the repeater s at that location. A weekly checkin net to test communications and distribute information. C users mike desktop ara maps ara map 2016 10 full res. The systems primary, designated use is for weather nets and wide area community support. Marca has members primarily located in arizona with members from the greater phoenix, scottsdale, mesa, chandler, gilbert, tempe, and queen creek areas. You can help keep repeaterbook alive by offering a small donation through paypal, a secure way to donate. No matter when you first get your license whether you are 10 or 75 years of age, the. Repeater information as you can see to the right, we have a variety of repeaters that are sponsored by the clark county amateur radio club. Listen online to free live internet radio stations. This will be on both the input and output frequencies. This list is derived from the iowa repeater council list of currently coordinated repeaters in iowa, on 28 mhz, 50 mhz, 144 mhz, 220 mhz, 440 mhz and 927 mhz. A weekly breakfast is held on thursdays at lous trivoli gardens, 12535 w bell rd. Net schedule for the different repeaters is located here.
Tones for member only and invited guests repeaters are available in the member handbook or the last page of the monthly newsletter. The w9ira repeaters are coordinated by the indiana repeater council. The dates refer to the date of a trip we made up the tower to work on it. If the information is wrong here, it will also be wrong there. Previously this was a dedicated digital mode 1200 baud packet repeater. Its really hard to get rid of a 1kw transmitter signal so close 3. The club is trustee of a 2 meter repeater in monterey, michigan, north of allegan, and one in lee township in the southern part of the county. The wyandotte amateur radio repeater association owns and operates wy8dot the wyandotte repeater the wyandotte repeater has been serving southeastern michigan in the public interest on 147. Sort of like trying to hear a whisper at a loud rock concert. The satellite receivers in spokane are downlinked to a control point, which has. Sep 06, 2019 weather skywarn net on linked repeaters lhc 146. However, during severe weather conditions, or emergency situations, this repeater is the primary.
The monterey repeater has an output frequency of 147. This is the same data that is used in the arrl repeater directory and for. This repeater is available for general local use 24 hours a day. Friday lunch locations will be announced on the 147. This listing is provided as a service to radio amateurs who may be traveling, or who may simply wish to be informed about repeater facilities in northern ontario. Feed notes official arizona repeater association feed mt ord repeater 147. Supported and maintained by members saddleback repeater association 394 meaderboro rd farmington, nh 03835.
A complete list of all the linked repeaters and their current status follows. Patrolman cb 60 and sw 60 on vhf 2 meter amateur radio repeater. In tulsa, this repeater system can link with two vhf repeaters for local nets. Ord repeater official arizona repeater association feed rimlink repeater linked to mt elden, pinal peak, smith peak, shaw butte, and greens peak. Do you need help with your ham station, tower, or other equipment. They are located in pompeys pillar, billings, greycliff, bozeman, three forks, helena and great falls montana. Encouraging and supporting overtheair repeater use. Marca is an organization for amateurs radio enthusiasts who are interested in sharing and pursuing their interests in the field of radio. O open, c closed membership available, p private this list is a summarized abstract. Repeater committee member dave, w1djg is now able to hold the repeater without help from tropo until the end of ma. Final authority for coordination status is the official records of the 220sma coordination board.
Practice social distancing, cover your cough, and wash your hands. Calzona ara this is a long haul uhf linking system that connects ecra east county repeater association in san diego to ara arizona repeater association in phoenix, arizona. The data represents the repeaters frequency, offset, ctcss, pl and notes such as if. When you hear a drip sound, that was a transmission from the 442. A weak signal get wiped out of the repeater for a few seconds. Live stream plus station schedule and song playlist. A very clean sounding repeater with improved coverage.
Everyone is welcome to use and enjoy the linkedrepeater system. Please note that repeaters in northern ontario are not in the jurisdiction of the slvrc, and the frequencies are therefore not coordinated by this council. Among other things related to ham radio, mhars operates two repeaters. The tarc manages and controls the system from the gateway repeater in east tulsa on 443. The frrl repeater board members and contact email are listed at the bottom of the contacts page. The preparedness net is held the last friday before the monthly monday night meeting at 8 pm on the ny7s repeater 147. During net times two other repeaters are automatically linked. Burleigh w0zrt central dakota arc repeaters radioamadorismo online butlerharveyclay ks0lnk 443. London bridge amateur radio association is lake havasu s place to contact if you have an interest in learning more about becoming an amateur radio operator and need help getting your license to operate an amateur radio station amateur radio is a hobby that lasts a lifetime. The independent repeater association maintains a network of 2meter repeaters covering western michigan from the indiana border to the upper peninsula. The local weather forecasts and conditions are now available on the ve9tcr repeater on 147.
1066 962 926 1006 242 251 951 1311 1408 1416 1371 106 14 1255 14 229 313 905 970 505 707 581 1501 894 539 124 505 373 133 1293 1103 1239 307 428 1096 1370 152